
Turks in UE Countries and Develeopment of Studies on Turks

As the Turks started to migrate to the European countries nearly half a century ago, their first status there was “guest workers”. In time, this description has changed. Of course, throughout the same period of time, the European countries have gone through changes as well. The “Federal Germany” of the years when the migration started has been replaced by the EU member Germany. And the migration receiving European countries of those years have been replaced by the EU. The problem which we faced through descriptions such as “manpower migration”, “workman immigration” or “guest worker” in the beginning has been an object of interest for the social sciences of various disciplines throughout this half a century and this interest has been gradually increasing. In this article, the related literature has been evaluated, considering the course of this fact. This article focuses on the discussions about the common European identity and stress dynamic sides of identity.