Göçmen sinema, son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar ve üretilen filmler sayesinde, başlı başına bir başlık olarak tanımlanmış; biçim ve içerik açısından ortak noktaları ortaya konmuştur. Bu özellikleri ortaya koyabilmenin araçlarından biri de Bakhtin’e özgü kavramlarla filmleri çözümlemektir. Göçmen sinema başlığı altında ele alınabilecek filmlerden biri de Türkiye sinemasında göçmenlerin sorunlarını anlatan Suyun Öte Yanı filmidir. Farklı karakterlerin 1924 mübadelesi, 1967-1974 Yunanistan (1967-1974) ve Türkiye (1980-1983) askeri cunta yönetimi sırasında ve sonrasında Cunda Adası’nda yaşadıklarını anlatan film, zaman mekan etkileşimini ortaya çıkaran anlatımı nedeniyle Bakhtin’in zamanmekan kavramı ışığında değerlendirilmiştir. Kadın yönetmen ve senarist tarafından üretilen film aynı zamanda, göç deneyimini kadınların nasıl yaşadığına da işaret etmiş; cinsiyet ve göç olgusu arasındaki ilişkiyi ele almıştır. Cunda Adası, toplumsal yaşam içinde tarihsel özgüllük taşıyan farklı zaman ve mekan düzenlemelerinin bulunduğunu gösteren bir yer olarak ele alınmış; mekanı zamansal ilişkilerin ışığında ve zamanı da mekansal boyutuyla ele alarak zamanın ve mekanın etkileşimini ortaya koyan bir yer olarak temsil edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Göçmen Sinema, Bakhtin, ZamanMekan, Suyun Öte Yanı, Cunda AdasıWHICH WAY TO THE FOREIGN LAND: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WATERThe migrant cinema, by means of some recent studies and films, has been defined as a title and presented through common factors in terms of form and content. One of the instruments to reveal these features is to analyze films with notions that are peculiar to Bakhtin. The film Suyun Öte Yanı is one of the films to discuss under the title of migrant cinema, which is concerned about the problems of immigrants in Turkish cinema. Film discussed what the different characters were faced with during the interchange period in 1924, during the coup in Greece (1967-1974) and Turkey (1980-1983) at Cunda Island and it is interpreted via the term chronotope by virtue of the expression that reveals mutual effect between time and place. Film, which was directed and written by women, showed how women experience migration and presented the relationship between gender and migration. Cunda Island is discussed as a place which consists of various time and place compositions holding a historical uniqueness in the social life. The island is also represented as a place that set forth the mutual effect between time and place, by taking the place in the consideration of time and taking the time with spatial extent.Keywords: Migrant Cinema, Bakhtin, Chronotope, Suyun Öte Yanı, Cunda Island


The migrant cinema, by means of some recent studies and films, has been defined as a title and presented through common factors in terms of form and content. One of the instruments to reveal these features is to analyze films with notions that are peculiar to Bakhtin. The film Suyun Öte Yanı is one of the films to discuss under the title of migrant cinema, which is concerned about the problems of immigrants in Turkish cinema. Film discussed what the different characters were faced with during the interchange period in 1924, during the coup in Greece and Turkey at Cunda Island and it is interpreted via the term chronotope by virtue of the expression that reveals mutual effect between time and place. Film, which was directed and written by women, showed how women experience migration and presented the relationship between gender and migration. Cunda Island is discussed as a place which consists of various time and place compositions holding a historical uniqueness in the social life. The island is also represented as a place that set forth the mutual effect between time and place, by taking the place in the consideration of time and taking the time with spatial extent


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