Foreign investment is seen as an important and necessary tool to achieve the development and economic growth objectives of the countries. Countries compete with each other to attract most of the foreign investment, which benefits them in several ways. To attract foreign investors and provide them with a secure environment, many countries have signed agreements to promote and protect foreign investments. It is from this perspective that there is, in general, a proliferation of bilateral agreements for the promotion and protection of foreign investment, which is considered to be one of the elements that reassure and attract investors. In this article we will focus on foreign investment promotion and protection agreements concluded by Turkey. In order to do so, we will study in the first section, these agreements in a general way in order to have an overview. We will discuss their emergence, their objectives and the models that exist. We will then analyze in the second section those concluded by Turkey by taking stock of the foreign investment situation, mentioning the countries with which, Turkey has concluded such agreements and studying in detail the provisions of the agreements in question.


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