A new approach for the synthesis of N,N’-bis(phenoxyacetyl)hydrazines

DOI: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19002This report is about an unexpected formation of N,N’-bis(substituted phenoxyacetyl) hydrazine derivatives. The reaction between N’-(4-ethylcyclohexylidene)phenoxyacetohydrazide with sulfanyl acids to obtain 4-thiazolidinones s,  gave an unexpected product, N,N’-bis(phenoxyacetyl)hydrazine, with high purity instead of the expected cyclocondensation product.  When repeating the reaction with p-toluenesulfonic acid under the same conditions, the reaction resulted in the same compound. This indicates that two molecules of N’-(4-ethylcyclohexylidene)phenoxyacetohydrazide were involved in the reaction. The reaction can be applied as a different and new procedure for the synthesis of several N,N’-bis(substituted phenoxyacetyl)hydrazine derivatives. Cite this article as: Apaydın ÇB, Cesur Z (2019). A new approach for the synthesis of N,N’-bis(phenoxyacetyl)hydrazines. Istanbul J Pharm 49 (2): 61-63.


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