Integrating Individual Strategies in the Job Demands-Resources Theory

Integrating Individual Strategies in the Job Demands-Resources Theory

The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model was introduced in the 00’s to explain the causes of burnout. Later it maturedinto JD-R theory that can explain how various employee and organizational outcomes develop. Job demands areresponsible for the health impairment process, whereas job resources initiate a motivational process. These processesoccur simultaneously and have unique as well as interactive effects on outcomes. The role of the individual in the formof personal resources was added in the JD-R theory more recently. The current paper expands the role of the individualin the JD-R theory even further by presenting strategies that individuals use to (i) deal directly with the unfavorableeffects of job characteristics including actual or anticipated loss of resources, namely coping and recovery; (ii) maximizefavorable effects, goal achievement and avoid losses, i.e., self-regulation and (iii) alter job characteristics such that theyare less demanding and more motivating, i.e., job crafting. It is discussed that individual strategies can be integrated inthe JD-R Theory, both as a mediator and a moderator of both processes. It is my hope that JD-R Theory will continue toinspire researchers and practitioners who want to promote employee well-being and effective organizational functioning.


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