The article aims to draw the attention of central and local government authorities to certain problems of rural labor market development in Albania, its impacts on socio-economic and environmental processes, opportunities and perspectives for sustainable development etc. Since 1990, Albania has experienced a profound revolution related to the political regime, administrative institutions and international relations. One of the most involved aspects in these movements was the labor market. After 1990 there were such events as: abandonment of suburbs, especially of far mountainous areas, high hilly territories; desertification of the physical environment as well as increased human pressure to migrate to the urban and suburban areas of the country. This “fierce” urbanization emerged thanks to the free movement of the population and the opportunity to choose freely the settlement. The industry was paralyzed and most of the facilities were closed, causing mass unemployment and degradation of some cities and industrial zones and a massive rural exodus. Over the last three decades there is evidence of a significant increase in “underground agrarian” unemployment. Agricultural uses of rural areas have left the country for non-agricultural use. Both agriculture and the environment are most  the  most vulnerable  elements which  create conflicts in the land sales market and sharp property problems. The study is focused on the rural market, as a very sensitive market where they find the fullest expression of postcommunist processes of nearly three decades



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