Tarih boyunca birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış olan Kıbrıs adası, içinde barındırdığı farklı etnik ve dinî unsurlarla var olagelmiştir. 1571 ve 1878 yılları arasında Osmanlı hâkimiyetindeki Müslümanlar ve adada çoğunluğu oluşturan gayrimüslimler, 300 yılı aşkın bir süre beraber yaşamış; ticaret başta olmak üzere hayatın tabii seyri içerisinde birçok farklı sahada birbirleriyle temas halinde olmuşlardır. Osmanlı döneminde her ne kadar gayrimüslimler belli oranda hukukî özerkliğe sahip olsa da, Müslümanlar ve gayrimüslimler arasında meydana gelen hukukî meseleleri çözüme bağlamada şerʻî mahkemeler yegâne müracaat mercii olmuştur. Bu mahkemelerde tutulan kadı sicilleri, Osmanlı döneminde itinayla muhafaza edilmiş olup bugün tarih içerisinde meydana gelen Müslim-gayrimüslim ilişkilerinin gözlemlenebileceği en zengin ve güvenilir kaynakları oluşturmaktadır. Konunun zikredilen bu öneminden hareketle 17. ve 18. yüzyıl Kıbrıs kadı sicillerine yansıyan Müslim-gayrimüslim ilişkileri şahıs, aile, miras, eşya ve borçlar hukuku çerçevesinde incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Zira her iki ahali arasında meydana gelen ilişkilerin kahir ekseriyeti bu alanlarda meydana gelmiştir. Araştırmada Osmanlı Kıbrısı’ndaki Müslim-gayrimüslim ilişkilerinin aynı dönemde Anadolu’daki ilişkilerden genel olarak daha yoğun olduğu ortaya çıkmakla beraber her iki ahali arasındaki münasebetlerin oldukça kuvvetli ve pozitif nitelikte olduğu da gözlenmiştir.

Muslim and Non-Muslim Relations in the Ottoman Cyprus (17th and 18th century)

AbstractThe island of Cyprus, which has hosted many civilizations throughout history, has existed with the different ethnic and religious elements it hosts. During the Ottoman sovereignty between 1571 and 1878, Muslims and non-Muslims, who formed the majority in the island, lived together for nearly 300 years. They contacted with each other in many different areas, especially in trade, in the natural course of daily life. In the Ottoman period, although the non-Muslims have certain legal autonomy, the shar'i courts became the only place of application for the settlement of legal issues between Muslims and Non-Muslims. The qadi records of these courts were kept with care during the Ottoman period, and today they constitute the richest and most reliable sources of Muslim and non-Muslim relations that have taken place in the history. From this point of view, in the study, the Muslim-non-Muslim relations, which were reflected in the 17th and 18th-century Cyprus qadi records, were examined under the legal framework regarding the individuals, families, heritage, goods, and debts. Yet, the vast majority of the relationships that have occurred between the two societies had been in these areas. In the research, it has been revealed that the Muslim and non-Muslim relations in Ottoman Cyprus are generally more intense than the relations in Anatolia for the same period. In addition, it was also observed that the relations between the two societies were considerably strong and positive.SummaryCyprus which lost its social peace and serenity since having left the administration of Ottoman is still a region in ceasefire, where a permanent peace could not be established between Muslim and non-Muslim communities. Therefore, putting forward the relations of Muslims and non-Muslims from Cyprus during Ottoman Period will provide an insight on what are necessary to live in peace through their historical experience, also it will contribute to eliminate the accusation and slander against Ottoman and Muslim or non-Muslim people of the island.The island of Cyprus, which has hosted many civilizations throughout history, has existed with the different ethnic and religious elements it hosts. During the Ottoman sovereignty between 1571 and 1878, Muslims and non-Muslims, who formed the majority in the island, lived together for nearly 300 years. They contacted with each other in many different areas, especially in trade, in the natural course of daily life. In the Ottoman period, although the non-Muslims have certain legal autonomy, the sharia courts became the only place of application for the settlement of legal issues between Muslims and non-Muslims. The qadi records of these courts were kept with care during the Ottoman period, and today they constitute the richest and most reliable sources of Muslim and non-Muslim relations that have taken place in the history. From this point of view, in the study, the Muslim-non-Muslim relations, which were reflected in the 17th and 18th century Cyprus qadi records, were examined under the legal framework regarding the individuals, families, heritage, goods, and debts. Yet, the vast majority of the relationships that have occurred between the two societies had been in these areas. In the research, it has been revealed that the Muslim and non-Muslim relations in Ottoman Cyprus are generally more intense than the relations in Anatolia for the same period. In addition, it was also observed that the relations between the two societies were considerably strong and positive.Primary sources of this study focusing on the relation between the Muslim and non-Muslim in Ottoman during 17th and 18th century are the records of sharia judge of Cyprus in that period. The mentioned records of sharia judge are 22 volumes and they are composed of all of the current records of sharia judge of Cyprus. Historical experience of the locals and the political, social and administrative structure of the island in the said period were addressed briefly for a better understanding of relations between Muslim and non-Muslim in Cyprus during Ottoman period. One of the key findings of this study is that relations between the Muslim and the non-Muslim in Cyprus of Ottoman have a rather strong and positive character. We believe that island's having hosted to various cultures and civilizations throughout history along with its cosmopolitan social structure have affected the emergence of this aspect in the relations between both communities. Therefore, firstly the essentials of the general history of Cyprus, then its political, social and administrative situation during 17th and 18th were addressed after the introduction, finally information on the population structure of Muslim and non-Muslims were given. Firstly, the relations regarding the laws of persons, family and inheritance, then the relations of laws of property and obligations were focused on while examining the relations between Muslim and non-Muslim. Legal classification of the relations was considered to be more appropriate as the database of the study is composed of records of sharia judges which are the court records of that period.Among all the documents regarding the legal relationships, the number of court records whose parties are Muslims and non-Muslims is 979 and its rate corresponds to 12%. This rate shows that relation between Muslim and non-Muslim in the Cyprus is more intense in proportion to the general situation in Anatolia. Therefore, examined documents reveal the existence of several relations in the social and commercial matters. It was seen that the non-Muslims know their rights in the disputes occurred between the Muslims and the non-Muslims, that they can claim their rights by easily applying to the court when needed. Plaintiff or defendant's being non-Muslim did not affect the stance of the sharia judge and also no arbitrary decisions in any case was detected. Judge decides on which party is right according to the evidence whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim. Besides, the non-Muslim's being able to make people who are claimed to be unfair to them summoned before the court and several cases which are won by non-Muslims against Muslims confirm this situation clearly. The fact that plaintiff or defendant is a Muslim civil servant did not cause any difference in implementation and no document indicating that local governments interfere with the spiritual court was observed. Another matter emerged from the study is that not only issues among Muslims or between Muslims and non-Muslims but also issues whose parties are non-Muslims were applied to the spiritual court frequently. Therefore, it can be stated that spiritual court or sharia judges play a central role in the lives of Muslims and non-Muslims in the Ottoman Cyprus. The fact that spiritual courts were careful to secure the justice without discriminating between Muslims or non-Muslims probably played an important role in providing confidence for non-Muslims in time. Non-Muslim's rate of recourse to the court in the said period was rather high with the effect of non-Muslim rayah's confidence occurred in time. The prominent issue in here is the general rise in the non-Muslim's rate of recourse to the court in time after the conquest of the island. Therefore, it is possible to say that the trust to the court was established in terms of the non-Muslims in Cyprus of Ottoman period.


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