Mukaddime’de Aklî İlimler Algısı: İbn Haldûn’un “Bireysel Yetenekler” Teorisi

Son yüzyılda İbn Haldûn’un aklî veya felsefî ilimlere bakışını konu edinen çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmaları yapan araştırmacılardan Franz Rosenthal, Macid Fahri, Demerseman, İbrahim Medkur ve Afîfî gibi bir kısmı, İbn Haldûn’un felsefeye yönelik eleştirilerini Gazzâlî’nin felsefeye karşı tavrının bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirirler.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

metafizik, İslam felsefesi, kelam

The Perception of Rational Sciences in Muqaddimah: Ibn Khaldun’s Individual Aptitudes Theory

One of the distinguishing features, from a historical perspective of sciences, of the work called Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun becomes apparent in the section where he evaluates the scientific traditions and the scientific concept that were dominant in Islamic society. In the section concerned with rational sciences, the historical journey of many sciences, from metaphysics to grammar, will be examined as well as a discussion of this latter part. The sciences that Ibn Khaldun examined will be evaluated from a scientific and pragmatic approach. In connection with this, Ibn Khaldun not only established what the benefit of a value confirming information that is expressed in a science was, but he also developed the basis of sciences from a historical aspect. In Ibn Khaldun’s general approach the science of Islamic philosophy appears to be aimed at defense, and he sees philosophy and kalam as consisting of different points of view; although no definite knowledge is provided by natural sciences, he considers that they bring out pragmatic values, with Sufism having theoretical and practical values. In our paper the general approach of Ibn Khaldun is examined first, and secondly we examine his commentary and determinations on rational sciences. In this study an evaluation will be made by concentrating on the sayings of Ibn Khaldun and his perception of the rational sciences, in particular his views on the relationship between the history and informational value of metaphysics and the aim and existence of kalam; in addition the use of logic as an instrument by Islamic philosophers, which brought about closer relations between kalam and philosophy will be examined.


  • İbn Haldûn, Mukaddime (nşr. Ali Abdülvâhid Vâfî), Kahire: Dâru Nehdati Mısır, 1401/1981.