İslâm Düşünce Geleneğinde Naklî İlim Kavramı ve İbn Haldûn

İslâm düşünce geleneğinde ilim kavramına ve ilimler tasnifine ilişkin değerlendirmelerde genellikle naklî/şer‘î-aklî/vaz‘î, dinî-aklî, Arabî-Acemî şeklinde ikili bir ilim sınıflandırması yaygın kabul görmektedir. Birincisi tefsir, hadis, fıkıh, kelâm gibi İslâmî/şer‘î ilimler adı verilen disiplinleri kapsarken ikincisi ise genellikle antik felsefe mirası çerçevesinde yer alan metafizik, fizik, mantık ve matematik gibi bilimleri kapsamaktadır.

Ibn Khaldun and the Concept of Traditional Knowledge in the Islamic Intellectual History

This study examines the concept of knowledge proposed by Ibn Khaldun in his Muqaddimah and particularly what he called the fundamental Islamic sciences. The study places Ibn Khaldun’s understanding within the broader Islamic historical framework through studying the history of the classification of knowledge up to Ibn Khaldun. While evaluating these sciences, the method developed by Ibn Khaldun shall be given special emphasis, and the question of how faithful he remained to those sciences that he perceived as being concrete shall be examined in these sections. This work investigates in what way Ibn Khaldun’s methods of studying the history of civilizations can contribute to the modern Islamic thought and the concept of Islamic sciences. In a more abstract way, one of the aims of this study is to explore whether Ibn Khaldun’s approach can offer a perspective to modern Muslims who are studying the history of fundamental Islamic sciences.


  • Fârâbî, Kitâbü’t-Tenbîh alâ sebîli’s-saâde (nşr. Ca‘fer Âl-i Yâsîn), Beyrut: Dârü’l-menâhil, 1405/1985.