Kelâm’da Teselsülü İptal Delilleri ve İsmail Hakkı İzmirli’nin Teselsül Risâlesi

Allah’ın varlığını ispat etmek isbât-ı vâcib için geliştirilen hudûs ve imkân delillerinde, varlıkların var olmaları için sonsuz illet-ma‘lûl silsilesinin kadîm bir illette durmasını zorunlu gören kelâm âlimleri, sebep-sonuç zincirinin sonsuza kadar sürmesi anlamına gelen teselsülün reddine büyük önem vermişlerdir. İlk dönemden itibaren bu amaçla çeşitli yöntemler geliştiren kelâmcılar, böylece maddenin ezelîliğini savunan akımlara cevap vererek akidelerini sağlamlaştırmayı hedeflemişlerdir. Kelâm tarihinde teselsülün reddine yönelik akıl yürütmelerin müteahhirîn döneminde iyice belirginleştiği ve çeşitli adlarla anılır hâle geldiği görülmektedir.

The Proofs Used in Kalåm for the Negation of Tasalsul and İsma’il Hakkı İzmirli’s Pamphlet on Tasalsul

The Proofs Used in Kalåm for the Negation of Tasalsul and İsma’il Hakkı İzmirli’s Pamphlet on Tasalsul Since the early periods in the history of Islamic theology, Muslim theologians mutakallimun have put a great emphasis on the negation of the concept of tasalsul, i.e., the endless chain of cause and effect, in their proofs of hudûth post-happening and imkân possibility of the existence of God. Various methodologies have been developed to this end. During the time of the later Muslim theologians muta’akhkhirun , these proofs have become more and more crystallized, and were mentioned by name in theological tracts. In particular, the Muslim theologians who came after Fakhr al-Din al-Razi discussed the idea of tasalsul under a separate chapter, trying to negate it. These logical deductions, which aim to prove that entities have a beginning and, thus, were created, consist of postulates that include both logical and mathematical proofs. The approach of İsma’il Hakkı İzmirli, one of the leading representatives of Islamic theology in the late era, to the issue of ithbat al- wajib proof of the existence of God is of particular importance as he wrote a pamphlet on the issue of tasalsul. In this, İzmirli mentions all types of methods used in the Kalam tradition to negate tasalsul. He depends to a large part on the classifications made by later Muslim theologians. What is original about this pamphlet, however, is its use of geometrical shapes for each proof, such as triangle, circle, line, dot, etc. In this paper, a discussion of the principle of tasalsul and of the proofs negating it, as well as information about İzmirli’s pamphlet, will be given