Organizational psychology determines many factors. Wage is one of the most important factors in the work of the individual. The needs, goals and work of employees in different organizations with similar job duties and responsibilities methods may be different. The characteristics, needs and culture of a particular profession contribute to the expectations of the employee. Organizational behavior affects the variety of tasks, skills, task identity, the importance of the task, autonomy and job motivation. Wage is one of the most important factors that affect the motivation of the employees either positively or negatively. The value is not just about the paid fee. It also shows how much the employer values its employees. Your employees need to know how you pay them. This is not just about payment. It is also about perception of payment. Salary is important in attracting qualified human resources. Participation among employees increases satisfaction and performance. Employees need to be recognized and rewarded for their efforts, and have a positive effect on motivation and performance.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Organizational Psychology


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