The Effect of Vocational Skill Training Model Given by Simulators on Academic Achievement and Anxiety Levels of Midwifery Students

The research was carried out to determine the effect of the education model given with simulators on the academic success, anxiety level, satisfaction and confidence level of the students studying in the midwifery vocational skills laboratory. The semi-experimental type of study was carried out between January 01 and July 30, 2020, with first-year midwifery students (N=84) who received clinical skills training for the first time in the Midwifery Department of a University in the Middle Black Sea region. The sample of the study consisted of students (n=69) who had not received any professional skill training before and agreed to participate in the study. Ethics committee and institutional permissions were obtained for the study. The data were obtained by "Student Identification Form, State-Trait Anxiety Scale" and "Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale", which measures students' satisfaction with simulation education. The academic achievements of the students were evaluated in the laboratory by taking the process step tables and the midterm and final written exam and taking their success averages. Of the students, 87% stated that simulation training will improve their communication skills, 79.4% said that it will improve their critical thinking and decision-making skills, 85.5% claimed that it will improve their professional practice skills, 92.8% remarked that it will improve their professional responsibilities, 88.4 % said it will increase their adoption to their profession, % 82.4 stated that it would help reduce their anxiety in the first clinical application. In the study, it was determined that there was no significant relationship between state and trait anxiety and academic achievement. In the second and third measurements of the education given by simulation, it is seen that while the student satisfaction and self-confidence towards learning increase, academic success is expected to increase, but there is no significant relationship between them. However, the same result could not be obtained in the measurement made during the final exam. The education model provided with simulators in a skill laboratory environment made a difference between students' satisfaction and self-confidence in learning, their satisfaction levels increased, but no linear relationship was found between academic achievement and satisfaction. The education given did not cause a significant change in the state anxiety and trait anxiety levels of the students.

The Effect of Vocational Skill Training Model Given by Simulators on Academic Achievement and Anxiety Levels of Midwifery Students

Objectives: The study was carried out to determine the effect of the training model given with simulators on the academic achievement and the anxiety level of the students in the midwifery vocational skills laboratory. Methods: The semi-experimental type of study was carried out between January 01and July 30, 2020, with first-year midwifery students (N=84) who received clinical skills training for the first time in the Midwifery Department of a University in the Middle Black Sea region. The sample of the study consisted of students (n=69) who had not received any professional skill training before and agreed to participate in the study. Ethics committee and institutional permissions were obtained for the study. The data were obtained by "Student Identification Form, State-Trait Anxiety Scale" and "Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale", which measures students' satisfaction with simulation education. The academic achievements of the students were evaluated in the laboratory by taking the process step tables and the midterm and final written exam and taking their success averages. Results: Of the students, 87% stated that simulation training will improve their communication skills, 79.4% said that it will improve their critical thinking and decision-making skills, 85.5% claimed that it will improve their professional practice skills, 92.8% remarked that it will improve their professional responsibilities, 88.4 % said it will increase their adoption to their profession, % 82.4 stated that it would help reduce their anxiety in the first clinical application. In the third measure, it was determined that there is a strong positive relationship between state anxiety and academic achievement. It was also found that as the continuous anxiety increased, academic achievement showed a positive and very strong relationship, and as the anxiety increased, academic achievement increased. In the second measurement of the education provided with simulation, it is seen that as the student satisfaction and self-confidence in learning increase, academic achievement increases and there is a strong positive relationship between them. However, the same result was not obtained in the measurement made during the third measurement, that is, the final exam. Conclusions: It is observed that there is a very strong negative relationship between simulation and the third measurement. The education model provided with simulators in the skill laboratory environment made a difference between students 'satisfaction and self-confidence in learning, students' satisfaction levels increased, but there was no linear relationship between academic achievement and satisfaction. The education provided did not cause a significant change in the state anxiety and trait anxiety levels of the students.


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