Investigation of Hot Spring Awareness Between Doctors in Duzce University Faculty of Medicine

Investigation of Hot Spring Awareness Between Doctors in Duzce University Faculty of Medicine

Objective: Hot spring medicine and hot spring tourism has been increasingly popular in the world and our country for the last 50 years. People in our country have been in search of natural and traditional methods to relieve their discomfort and contribute to their health during their holidays as in the rest of the world. Awareness and knowledge levels of physicians on this subject is important to suggest hot springs individually within the scope of other alternative and complementary medicine and develop internal tourism (health tourism) movements. The aim of this study is the determination of the opinions, knowledge and awareness levels of the physicians working on Duzce University Faculty of Medicine.Material-Method: The data were collected by survey technique. In the research, a questionnaire form was distributed to all physicians working in the faculty and 72 physicians agreed to fill out the questionnaire. 69 of them were found suitable for evaluation. The survey includes a total of 22 statements apart from demographic questions. The expressions used are five-point Likert scale (I agree-I don’t agree). The statements are generally aimed at determining the awareness of physicians about hot spring treatments.Results: Approximately one-third of the physicians have never been to a hot spring before; almost all of them declared that they do not recommend hot spring treatment to any of their patients. Almost all of them wish to be educated on this subject and consciously recommend and prescribe their patients. It is understood that the majority of physicians lack information about hot spring medicine, use, and awareness.Conclusion: Almost all physicians have the demand to have information on this subject. There is consensus on increasing scientific research on the subject and ensuring its integration in modern medicine.


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