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  • and Reference requirements in Section 2.6; Not providing Tables and Figures of sufficient quality as detailed in Section 2.3. Each paper is assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (doi). By assigning a paper a doi, the paper becomes integrated into a larger web of doi enabled sources, making it easier for other researchers to find relevant papers published in IJoT and therefore increasing the impact of papers published in IJoT. Acknowledgements: (List any acknowledgments here.) Nomenclature (The nomenclature should include appropriate SI (metric) dimensions for the variables used. Acronyms should also be placed in alphabetical order.) References G. G. Dimopoulos, C. A. Frangopoulos, A dynamic model for liquefied natural gas evaporation during marine transportation, Int. J. Thermo., 11, 123-131, 200 O. Taylan, D. K. Baker, D. K., B. Kaftanoglu, COP trends for ideal thermal wave adsorption cooling cycles with enhancements, Int. J. Refr., doi: 1016/j.ijrefrig.2010.07.008.
  • A. Bejan, Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, 2 nd Ed. New York: Wiley –Interscience, 1997.
  • H. Heidary, M. Davoudi, and M. Kermani, “Effect of Buoyancy Driven Stream Loop Numbers on Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation,” in IMECE 2009: Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, 2010, pp. 691-699.
  • Beretta, G. P. (1981). On the General Equation of Motion of Quantum Thermodynamics and the Distinction between Quantal and Nonquantal Uncertainties (Doctoral dissertation), MIT, Cambridge, MA.
  • IEEE (Accessed 2013, Aug. 5). IEEE Citation Reference [Online]. Available: