In this study, the purpose was to determine the changes in accordance with running and coordination values of children who took the entrance examinations of sports high scholl in the 5 year period and assess them according to the branches as 100 and 800 meters running for female, 100 and 1200 meters running for men. In accordance with this aim, test values of total 1306 students  (m = 1061, f = 245, average age = 14) who participated in entrance examinations in a 5 years duration including 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 years in the region of Antalya for sports high school were analyzed. As an statistical analyze, One way ANOVA and multiple comparison tests (which are LSD, Least Significant Difference tests) were used. As a result of statistical analyses, although the candidates who took the tests in the region of Antalya, change along 5 years duration, while obtaining a statistically significant difference in the running values of male children (p<0,05), there were no significant differences in their 1200 meters running and coordination values (p>0,05). Likewise, while obtaining a statistically significant difference in 100 meters running values of female children (p<0,05), there were no significant changes in their 800 meters running and coordination values (p>0,05). In addition there was no any statistically significant difference in 100, 800 meters running values and coordination values of female children according to branches (p>0,05). Consequently, it can be suggested that there were no changes in speed times of both male and female children in along 5 years duration in region of Antalya. It can be inferred that while there is a significant change in values of running and coordination of males, the reason why female children were not able to show changes in their values should be because they show less imrovement in sports branches. In addition, male students in track and field branch gained the highest degrees both in 100 m and coordination tracks. Thus, it can be said that someone having good speed has good coordination too. 


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