Determining Awareness Levels of Benefits of Sports in Individuals with Autism with Regards to their Families and Private Education Teachers

The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of awareness by families and private education teachers regarding individual benefits of sportive events realized with the aim to facilitate the lives of individuals with autism. In the research as data gathering tool, “Personal Information Form” that is developed by the researchers and “Awareness Scale aiming for the impacts of sports in individuals with mental disabilities (ZEBSEYFO)” being developed by İlhan and Esentürk (2015) was used. Research population was composed of 187 people living in the cities of Zonguldak, Bartın and Karabük, 74 of which are parents having individuals with autism. According to the findings obtained from SPSS 21 package program in the study, when gender variable is handed with respect to the family, it was determined that difference between the levels of scores obtained by female and male participants (mothers and fathers) from ZEBSEYFO was at a meaningful level in favor of female participants as statistically (U:271,000; p<0,05). According to the findings obtained, it was determined that as per the educational status of participants, difference of ZEBSEYFO scores between educational levels was statistically meaningful and a meaningful difference was found in the awareness level of parents who were not literate (0,038) (p<0,05). As a result of these findings, it was determined that awareness level of mother in a family having an individual with autism was higher and that awareness level of parent not being literate was higher.


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