Management Evaluation of the Sepak Takraw Association of Indonesia (PSTI) Administrators in Fostering Sepak Takraw Sport Achievement in Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

The research aims to analyse management evaluation of the Sepak Takraw Association of Indonesia (PSTI) in fostering sepak takraw sport achievement in Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This research was conducted using qualitative approach with ethnography design and critical ethnography type research to evaluate and criticize. Sources of data were collected from research informants by using Purposive Sampling and Snowball technique. Data collection technique was conducted by using observation, interview, and documentation study, data analysis was conducted inductively by using interactive cycle by Miles and Huberman. The results of study are: 1) The fostering of sepak takraw carried out by The Regency Administrators (Pengkab) PSTI Brebes Regency was in accordance with the vision, mission, goals and government’s policies, 2) Human resources in PSTI Brebes Regency were good and qualified, and supported by sufficient facilities, infrastructures and fund, 3) The implementation of programs was well-implemented, stages of program implementation were carried out by the coaches, and coordination with various parties was well-coordinated. 4) The results of achievements obtained by the athletes, coaches and administrators was very well but the welfare was relatively adequate.


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