Investigation of Aggression Levels of Adolescent Amateur Athletes

The aim of the study is to investigate whether the aggressiveness levels of amateur athletes engaged in various sports in the adolescent age differ in terms of some independent variables. A total of 135 athletes participated in the study with the sampling method and 129 people were evaluated. As a data collection tool, the Kar-Ya Aggression Scale and Personal information form, which was developed in Karataş and Yavuzer (2016), and whose validity and reliability study was carried out, were applied. The evaluation of the data was done with SPSS statistical software. Normal distribution values related to the type of tests to be used were analyzed. Independent sample t test was used for comparisons in which the data showed normal distribution. The significance level was accepted as p = 0.05 for all tests. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0.95 for the entire scale. In adolescents athletes, the aggression aggregate scores and physical aggression, anger and verbal aggression subscale scores are higher than the females. In the hostility sub-dimension, there is no difference according to the gender of the participants. There is no statistically significant difference in aggression scores by age and income level. The mean scores of hostility and verbal aggression were higher in those who suffered a first degree imminent loss from the family. Physical aggression, anger and aggression total scores did not differ.


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