Social Media Use of University Students, Social Media Addictions and Academic Procrastination Examining Their Behavior

The aim of this study is to examine the social media use, social media addictions and academic procrastination behaviors of Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Sport Sciences students and the relationships between them. In addition, it was examined whether there were relations between demographic variables such as age, department, device, time and instrument, and social media use, social media addiction and academic procrastination. Karal and Kokoç's (2010) "University Students' Social Media Usage Purposes Scale" applied to university students is in 5-point Likert type with 3 sub-dimensions and it consists of 14 questions. The social media addiction scale was developed by Şahin and Yağcı (2017) and consists of 20 questions, 5 likert type, and 4 sub-dimensions. The population of the research consists of students from Manisa Celal Bayer University Faculty of Sports Sciences Department of Physical Education, Coaching, Recreation and Sports Management. The sample consists of 441 students selected on a voluntary basis. Frequency, percentage, arithmetic averages, independent sample t-test for binary variables, and One Way ANOVA tests for multiple variables were used in the personal information form. Tukey test was applied to determine which variable favored the difference. As a result, a negative relationship was found between social media use and social addiction in this study. It can be stated that university students use social media without being addicted. No relationship was found between social media use and social media addiction and academic procrastination. In groups where social media is used consciously, social media does not cause addiction and does not adversely affect individuals academically.


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International Journal of Sport Culture and Science-Cover
  • ISSN: 2148-1148
  • Başlangıç: 2013
  • Yayıncı: Uluslararası Bilim Kültür ve Spor Derneği (UBİKS)