The number of the Syrians who had to leave their country due to the civil war conditions since March 2011 has reached up to 4.862.778. According to the data provided by the United Nations, there are 2.814.631 Syrians in Turkey in January 2017. Not considered as “refugees” according to the Turkish regulations, Syrians are accepted in the status of “temporary protection”. Some of the Syrians within this status try to pursue their lives in the refugee centers whereas a high number of them try to continue their lives in the places other than refugee centers, under challenging conditions. The Syrians who try to pursue their lives and meet their needs in Turkey are required to place private law contracts with Turkish citizens from time to time. Despite the general hospitality and tolerant nature of our society, it is sometimes observed that incidents of direct or indirect discrimination have occurred in the contracts made within the free economic market between Syrians and Turkish people. The rule in Turkish private law is freedom of contract. Freedom of contract includes to conclude or not to conclude a contract, to assess the terms of contract and to choose the party of contract. No freedom of contract can violate the prohibition of discrimination. However, there is no specific arrangement related to the prohibition of discrimination in Turkish private law. Thereby, the prohibition of discrimination could be utilized regarding the general provisions in the Turkish private law. In this context, the provisions of protection of personality TCC Article 23 etc. , provisions regarding causing loss or damage to another in an immortal manner TCC Article 49/II and unfair advantage should be taken into consideration. Besides this, the provisions of the Law no. 6701 on Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey which entered in force on April 20, 2016 can apply indirectly, if not directly. Because any discrimination in the means of race, ethnicity, religion, language etc. within all contracts including the ones entitled to private law result in administrative fines. This paper analyzes and reviews the types of legal action which the Syrians live in Turkey may take within the contracts of private law excluding labor law in case of discrimination


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