This paper aims to analyse government-developed citizen participation mechanisms in South Africa against the backdrop of Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a community development tool. Furthermore, the researchers investigate the concept “civic participation” to develop a potential framework for PAR in third-world democracies such as South Africa. The research methodology involved a critical desktop analysis of books, articles, regulatory policies, and strategy documents to analyse PAR as a possible development process for democratic participative governance. The research revealed that community challenges can only be solved by empowering citizens to identify and address problems within their respective communities, as well as to monitor the actions of elected and appointed public officials. Furthermore, ordinary people can cooperate with local government through civic structures to improve their social conditions. PAR can empower community members to participate in local government decision-making structures and processes. This paper recommends that this process should empower all stakeholders to gain the necessary insight and knowledge to develop action plans for community problems. PAR is the ideal avenue to foster partnerships between government and communities.


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