The 1Malaysia concept (People First, Performance Now) is a vision introduced by the sixth Malaysian Prime Minister YAB. Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak on 3rd of April 2009 soon after his sworn-in ceremony. The 1Malaysia concept protects the rights of all ethnic groups in the country and is able to bring Malaysia forward. The concept of 1Malaysia does not stray a single inch from the provisions of the Federal Constitution or the Rukun Negara (Five Pillars of the nation). The opposition parties claimed that they have introduced earlier the so called Middle Malaysia vision (originally from their Malaysian Malaysia slogan). Actually they were worried that the 1Malaysia concept has been accepted by most ethnic groups in Malaysia and there was a renewed spirit among the people to bring the country to greater heights. The government wants the Malaysian people to adopt the attitude of acceptance instead of tolerance. This is because tolerance carried a connotation that people were too much exposed to a painful or unpleasant condition because of their religious and ethnic differences whereas acceptance meant all Malaysians accepted and understood the diversity of Malaysian multiracial society which was a greatest source of strength. A very determined effort by the multiracial society will ensure that all citizens of Malaysia either the rich or poor will achieve real acceptance and integration. Malaysians should accept the reality and condition of its multiracial society and various faiths. The Malays should honour the non-Malays as equal to their rights in the constitution and to deal with them honestly. What is interesting however is that a lot of what Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib clarified was blended with Islamic teachings and religious ideas. This paper covers major elements of the 1Malaysia concept with its values and outlines the challenges faced by Malaysian multiracial society in adapting the 1Malaysia concept


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