Economics, in mainstream textbooks, is defined as an optimization science. That means that it tries the find the ways in which endless needs and wants are met by limited resources. Where does the traditional economics reach by starting with “homo economicus” and “ceteris paribus”? Where is and how much the ethics take place in the adventure of economics. May be it is better to ask this question that way: Must economics contain ethics? Otherwise is it independent from ethics? It is clear that there is no place for ethics in Orthodox Economics. If there is one, it must be the ethics of interest. Ethics is related with “other”. Every threats, manors or activities affecting “other” have inevitable relations with ethics. In this study, first the relation between the transformation of the science of economics and phase of capitalism will be inspected then, the basic postulates of Orthodox economics and its problems caused by itself will be discussed. Finally, the reasons of high tensioned relation between ethics and economics will be betrayed.


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