Ferro-chelatase enzyme activity of blue green algae from Yeşilırmak

Ferro-chelatase enzyme activity of blue green algae from Yeşilırmak

Blue green algae are microscopic photosynthetic bacteria, naturally in ponds, rivers, lakes and streams. Tetra pyrroles can be classified based on the presence, position and substituents of a chelated metal in the pyrrole ring. Heme and chlorophyll, which are the most common tetra pyrolle in nature, are synthesized by blue green algae. Heme is an essential cofactor for virtually all forms of life and the last step of heme biosynthesis is catalyzed by ferrochelatase enzyme. In this study, blue green algae, photosynthetic bacteria, isolated from Yeşilırmak were used. Eight morphologically different isolates were obtained. The highest specific activity belongs to isolate 8 as 0.217 Umg-1.


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