Determination of the antiproliferative effect of Folliculj sennea used as a laxative on CCD-18Co cell line and proliferative effect on DLD-1 and HT- 29 cancer cell lines

Determination of the antiproliferative effect of Folliculj sennea used as a laxative on CCD-18Co cell line and proliferative effect on DLD-1 and HT- 29 cancer cell lines

The most prominent feature of malnutrition that increases colon cancer is the use of laxatives. Most community-dwelling individuals self-manage the condition of bowel-related diseases and do not seek medical advice. Self-management often involves the use of laxative products that can be purchased over the counter from pharmacies and elsewhere. According to the research, most of those who use herbal products do not get enough information about the products they use, and the most important problem is that they do not inform their health consultants (doctors, pharmacists, dietitians, nurses, etc.) about the product they use. Individuals get information about the product they use from transfers such as uncontrolled media channels on the internet, and they reach the product easily. Long-term use of laxatives is predicted to impair healthy colonic function, produce laxative dependence, and damage the enteric nervous system and/or intestinal smooth muscle. It manages colon motility and may increase the risk of other types of cancer, especially colon cancer. In our study, the antiproliferative effect of Folliculj sennae plant, which is commonly used as a laxative, known as fasting herb, horseradish herb, and camel eye herb and contains an anthracoid laxative, on CCD-18Co (healthy colon epithelium) cell line and DLD-1 (colon cancer) and HT-29 (colorectal cancer) cancer cell lines, on the other hand, aimed to determine its proliferative effect by MTT analysis.


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