Statistical Analysis of benefits of renewable energy - examples from biogas consumers of Nepal

Statistical Analysis of benefits of renewable energy - examples from biogas consumers of Nepal

Twelve hours of power outages daily from the national grid in the current season and up to sixteen hours in the lean period is the state of commercial energy in Nepal. Major section of the population here depends on firewood for cooking.  A lot of time of women is spent in the collection of firewood. With ever increasing population in the developing world and depleting fossil fuel reserve, this dependence shows a rising trend. In this paper various benefits related to the use of renewable energy are minutely analyzed. Time spent in the collection of fire wood before and after the construction of plant, distance travelled in the collection of firewood before and after the plant, time saved and firewood saved  are some of the variables which try to assess the befits of biogas plant. These results were obtained from a socio-economic survey of 400 households, where information about a typical middleclass Nepalese family inhabiting in rural areas, its economic and social background and change after biogas was used in their household is collected. It was conducted during September – December 2010 in three different rural settings of Nepal. The questionnaire for this survey was carefully pretested and refined and then the survey was conducted. All the possible sources of error were identified and carefully eliminated. The results will help policy makers and planners in making better strategy in popularizing biogas in particular and renewable energy in general.