Design Simulation Station to Produce Electricity and Water Desalination to Solve the Problem of Shortage of Energy and Drinking Water in the Gaza Strip

Design Simulation Station to Produce Electricity and Water Desalination to Solve the Problem of Shortage of Energy and Drinking Water in the Gaza Strip

This study investigates how can establish a system to solve the problem of energy shortage and lack of drinking water in the Gaza Strip as a particular case study. Through the development of a vision for a common system equipment to solve two problems in Gaza. Using a simulation of the production processes of energy and water in the hybrid system .In an attempt to address this research’s nature is purely experimental like Simulation, using the existing laboratory at the College of Science and Technology, City of K/Younis, Gaza Strip. A particular finding emerges in this study which argues for water energy being important because it may well substitute the shortages in energy power and drink water supply in developing countries . A hyper system will make up the shortage of energy equivalent to 64.7% and the lack of water is equivalent 36.45%.
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research-Cover
  • ISSN: 1309-0127
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: İlhami ÇOLAK