An Improved MPPT Incremental Conductance Algorithm Using T-S Fuzzy System for Photovoltaic Panel

An Improved MPPT Incremental Conductance Algorithm Using T-S Fuzzy System for Photovoltaic Panel

The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is an essential technique used to have maximum energy of the Photovoltaic System. Since, a conventional MPPT algorithm uses a fixed step to get the optimal value of the duty cycle, many drawbacks are presented. For this end, the purpose of the proposed MPPT algorithm based on fuzzy technique is to enhance the choice of the variable step size and therefore to improve the performances of the photovoltaic system. Indeed, the concept of this new algorithm is to compute the variable step according to the slope value of the Power-Voltage characteristic for photovoltaic panel. Then, it provides the appropriate value of duty cycle. The concept and the features of the conventional Incremental conductance algorithm are examined. Then, the improved MPPT algorithm which relies on fuzzy logic technique is explained. Simulation results are provided to exhibit the validity of the proposed MPPT approach.
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research-Cover
  • ISSN: 1309-0127
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: İlhami ÇOLAK