The Current Status of Fishing in Elazig

This study was conducted between 01.01.2013-31.12.2013 in order to determine the current status of fishery cooperatives which engaged in fishing of fishery products in Elazig. Research data was obtained through interviews with fifteen fishery cooperative presidents who engage in fishing activities in Keban, Kralkizi Dam Lake and Hazar Lake.  The questionnaires used in the interviews was prepared taking into account the parcel areas of fisheries cooperatives, rental status, being active or not, and the number of fishermen and boats, the amount of annual and daily fishing, the amount of fishing nets, the number of caught days, caught fisheries species and theirs marketing situation of caught fishery products. In Karakaya Dam Lake, while the amount annual fishing has been determined as 95 tons per year, the daily fishing has been determined as45 kgper day. The total amount of trammel net and simple fishing net was determined to be 35.000 m. In Kralkizi Dam Lake, one fishery cooperative where there are 24 fishermen and 7 boats and one cooperative has also been identified as being non-active. The fishing in Hazar Lake was found to average 180-210 days per year. Moreover while the annual fishing has been determined as 20 tons per year, the daily fishing has been determined as 10 kg per day in Hazar Lake.


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