The Role of Freedom Perceived in Leisure on Happiness and Mental WellBeing

In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of the freedom perceived by individuals participating in sportive recreational activities on the level of happiness and mental well-being. The research was conducted by a total of 461 volunteer individuals participating in sporting recreation events in The Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. In addition to the personal information form as a data collection tool, "Freedom Perceived in Leisure Scale", “Oxford Happiness Scale" and "Mental Well-Being Scale" were used. Pearson Correlation and Linear Regression analysis were performed using the SPSS package program in the analysis of the data obtained. According to the research findings, it was determined that there was a statistically positive moderate relationship between freedom perceived in leisure and happiness and mental well-being. In addition, it was determined that freedom perceived in leisure predicted happiness level by 15% and mental well-being level by 14%. As a result, it was observed that the freedom that the individuals participating in the study perceive in leisure has made them happy and affect them positively.


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