Scale development/adaptation studies conducted within the scope of cyber threats and information security issues

Scale development/adaptation studies conducted within the scope of cyber threats and information security issues

In this study, it was aimed to review nationally and internationally published articles on issues such as “cyber threats, information security, adverse cyber behavior, cyber-human values and their sub-domains†between 2010 and 2018. A one-shot survey model, one of the general survey models, was utilized. Within the scope of the study, all scale development and adaptation articles in the relevant field that were indexed in the Web of Science and TR Index between 2010 and 2018 and that were accessible full-text constituted the research population of the study. As a result of the study, it was seen that the number of scale studies carried out nationally was quantitatively twice as many as the number of those carried out internationally. In international publications, based on the reviews, it was observed that there were more publications in science journals, especially in engineering journals. According to the distribution of subjects, the most studied subject of the field in all publications was “adverse cyber behaviors.†This was followed by the “information security†topics. The least addressed subjects were “cyber-human values.†All the findings obtained in the other subjects investigated in this study are presented in the discussion and conclusion sections.


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