Institutional Cybersecurity from Military Perspective

Institutional Cybersecurity from Military Perspective

In the time we are living in, the nonlinear increase, usage and reliability on information communication technologies ICT are going to move forward. In this digital environment, people, institutions and government take necessary precautions ranging from personal to strategic level and adapt themselves to live or operate in that new form of environment. When we consider a country' cybersecurity efforts as a whole, it starts with individuals at the bottom, institutions, firms and military organizations at middle and government at the top. Ensuring a robust cybersecurity policy in a country, requires all levels individual, institution, government to be at the same standard. While the government level cybersecurity strategy documents generally present a comprehensive approach, the institutional level cybersecurity roadmaps, action plans are generally not present or overlooked. Being one of the main elements of a country, military organizations should be prepared to operate in this new form of operational environment that is full of malwares, advance persistent threats APT and cyber espionage software. In this study, institutional cybersecurity from the military perspective is analysed in the light of possible challenges, organizational structure, the military decision making process MDMP and cybersecurity workforce.


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