Health journalism can be defined as the sharing of all kinds of health-related information, practice and development both in printed and visual media to raise public awareness. However, this sharing in health publications or news has the potential to affect the followers either positively or negatively. This study was conducted to measure the perception and effectiveness of health news and radio and TV programs on society. The study was carried out on the selected samples in Trabzon universe. The scale developed by Bostan was used and its validity was verified by exploratory factor analysis and its reliability was determined. The data was analyzed using frequency and significance tests in the SPSS program. In print and visual media, it has been understood that audiences or readers are more likely to follow news about cancer and seasonal illnesses, as well as healthy lifestyles and innovations in healthcare. People found the health news and publications reasonably clear and effective, but not reliable enough. It was found that the confidence index of high school educated people was higher than those of other groups who had higher education levels. In other words, as the level of education increased, the confidence index decreased. Accordingly, it was suggested that the Ministry of Health should conduct a study to follow such publications and programs and make explanations when necessary.


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