With the development of technology, the role and responsibility of nurses in various health institutions have diversified. The main purpose of this change is to provide better quality health services to individuals. This research aims to investigate Information Technology Readiness of Public Health Nurses in Turkey. A survey was done with a total of 104 nurses. To measure IT readiness, technological skills readiness, attitude readiness, task-ready information technology readiness and institutional support readiness were evaluated using a five-point Likert scale. The scores of the participants were evaluated as technological skills readiness was 3.83 (76,6 %); attitude readiness was 3.67 (73,4 %), task-ready information technology readiness was 3.85 (77%) and institutional support readiness was 3.65 (73 %). The results of the dimensions show that nurses are extremely prone to use technology in their work. The overall results show that the information technology readiness for nurses has been found at 3.75 (75 %) and  needs a few improvements.


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