The Health Cooperative Perception Scale: Development and Validation

The Health Cooperative Perception Scale: Development and Validation

The cooperative movement has a long history and is quite a widespread business style these days. As the cooperative movement develops, many different cooperatives have been established such as consumer cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives, and housing cooperatives. Health cooperatives have also been established to provide equity in and improve access to health services. In spite of having a deep-rooted history, health cooperatives are uncommon in Turkey. Only one health cooperative is found in Turkey, and the health cooperative movement should be supported here. Therefore, this study aims to develop a valid and reliable scale for measuring perceptions about health cooperatives. Accordingly, the researchers have constructed a 21-item scale. After conducting factor analysis, the scale was reduced to 15 statements. Validity and reliability analyses have also been performed. According to these analyses, the developed scale has high consistency and is a valid and reliable measuring tool.