Eating Disorders And Affecting Factors Among The Students Of The Faculty Of Health Sciences: A Foundation University Example

Eating Disorders And Affecting Factors Among The Students Of The Faculty Of Health Sciences: A Foundation University Example

Aim Eating disorders (EDs) are particularly common among teenagers, including college students. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of eating disorders among students of a foundation university in Istanbul. The risk of eating disorders will be evaluated and interpreted according to socio-economic, clinical, related factors such as anxiety and depression. Materials and Methods A descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at the Faculty of Health Sciences of a foundation university in Istanbul in the 2021-2022 academic year. It was studied with a randomly selected sample of 358 students. To screen for eating disorders, anxious and depressive eating disorders, the SCOFF-F questionnaire (Patient, Control, Solitaire, Fat, Food; Turkish version) was an approved tool to screen for eating disorders. HAD scale (Hospital anxiety and depression) was used. Results The SCOFF questionnaire found that 90 out of 358 students (ie 25%) had an eating disorder. Age, education level, use of weight control tools, anxiety and depression are factors that are significantly associated with the risk of developing an eating disorder in students. Conclusion The results of our study are consistent with the data in the literature regarding the frequency of eating disorders in the student population and more specifically in health students. Further studies of a more diverse population may also be considered to have a more global vision of the eating disorder. Keywords: Eating disorders, faculty of health sciences students, prevalence, risk factors


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