Sumerıans are a people came migratory routes Mesopotamia. Their migration is dated to the periods of centuries ago. Region of origin contributed to the development of civilization. There are various opinions about the arrival routes to Mesopotamia. They gain weight around the opinion of the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. Sumerians developed their own unique writing and language. Language is Ural-Altaic group. Therefore the Central Asian origin are thought to be a people. Turks that they were the Sumerians was put forward some theses. In this thesis, the history, culture, language, traditions, burial customs, and so on as may be approved. Sumerians, who migrated from Central Asia to Mesopotamia, is an example of nomadic Turkish tribes. Sumerian culture has been moved to Europe as a result of migration.


Sumerıans are a people came migratory routes Mesopotamia. Their migration is dated to the periods of centuries ago. Region of origin contributed to the development of civilization. There are various opinions about the arrival routes to Mesopotamia. They gain weight around the opinion of the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. Sumerians developed their own unique writing and language. Language is Ural-Altaic group. Therefore the Central Asian origin are thought to be a people. Turks that they were the Sumerians was put forward some theses. In this thesis, the history, culture, language, traditions, burial customs, and so on as may be approved. Sumerians, who migrated from Central Asia to Mesopotamia, is an example of nomadic Turkish tribes. Sumerian culture has been moved to Europe as a result of migration


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