3D Documentation of Archaeological Excavations Using Image-Based Point Cloud

3D Documentation of Archaeological Excavations Using Image-Based Point Cloud

Rapid progress in digital technology enables us to create three-dimensional models using digital images. Low cost, time efficiency and accurate results of this method put to question if this technique can be an alternative to conventional documentation techniques, which generally are 2D orthogonal drawings. Accurate and detailed 3D models of archaeological features have potential for many other purposes besides geometric documentation. This study presents a recent image-based three-dimensional registration technique employed in 2013 at one of the ancient city in Turkey, using “Structure from Motion” (SfM) algorithms. A commercial software is applied to investigate whether this method can be used as an alternative to other techniques. Mesh model of the some section of the excavation section of the site were produced using point clouds were produced from the digital photographs. Accuracy assessment of the produced model was realized using the comparison of the directly measured coordinates of the ground control points with produced from model. Obtained results presented that the accuracy is around 1.3 cm.


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