The need for talented individuals who are self-developed, capable of adapting to innovations and technological developments is increasing gradually in order to keep up with the changes and reach strategic goals. Bringing talented individuals into the organization and keeping them in the organization is seen as an important move that provides competitive advantage to organizations. However, in the event of an organizational failure after the transfer of newly recruited talented individuals to the organization, it is observed that the organizational factors can be ignored and the responsibility can be imposed on new talents. It is observed that the motto of “failing expense” is directly embedded in applications, especially when considering the high-level executive transfers of multinational companies and their business-related decisions, but it is not explicitly questioned whether or not there is a solid organizational structure behind this failure. In this study, it is tried to be discussed within the framework of an Eclectic Paradigm adaptation, which attracts talented individuals and what the organizational conditions required for their hunting can be achieved, as well as how to provide the dynamics necessary for the long-term marriage of these individuals and organizations, and a multidisciplinary model proposal is introduced.


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