Investigation of three-dimensional modelling availability taken photograph of the unmanned aerial vehicle; sample of Kanlidivane Church

Investigation of three-dimensional modelling availability taken photograph of the unmanned aerial vehicle; sample of Kanlidivane Church

Cultural heritages due to have different natural characteristics, have different sizes, and heir complicated structure should be measured and requires a more sophisticated measurement tools and techniques to documentation. One of them aerial photos taken by UAV pictures to use in architectural photogrammetry.In this study, Photogrammetric study was conducted in the ancient church next to the pothole. The study was completed with photographs taken from the air with UAV and close range photogrammetry. The images obtained from both methods adjusted in photogrammetric software and obtained a three-dimensional model of the church. Photography by UAV has proved to be a technical supporters of close range photogrammetry. Also coordinates of the reference points on the images obtained through photogrammetric software and compared with terrain coordinates. Point position accuracy of points mxyz = 2.1 cm were found. In order to protect the world heritage of cultural heritage IHA help to be sensitive enough to measure derived from aerial photographs taken, can be used as a base to work from different professional disciplines, The UAV was concluded in anywhere near the height can be used for photogrammetric.


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