ABSTRACT:People are struggling with floods, which are types of naturaldisasters.Floods are in the first place amongnatural disasters in terms of damage to the community and the number of victims.Acquisition data from reliable sourcesis one of the central issues in the assessment of the condition in areas with high probability of flooding and operativedecision making in extreme situations.As the source of this kind of data Remote Sensingdata is widely used which isinterpreted by Geographical Information Systems technologies in a short time.In addition, accurate geographical linkingis possible through modern satellite navigation technology, which makes it possible to spread information quickly anddeliver obtained results to customers.Since the Kura River is the source of fresh water in Azerbaijan, most important andstrategic importance, there are many settlements, industrial and economic facilities along the riverbed.That is why, as aresult of the floods in the downstream of the Kura River, the environment, economic infrastructure, individual spatialareas and thepopulation living in these areas are damaged.As an example of flood damage assesment, the recent flood in2010 was analyzed. Different archival, field survey and digital materials were used. Maps of flooded areas and thepotential infrastructure in flooded areas were determined through ArcGis 10.2.1 software. Among all flooded areas,settlements and pastures had the highest share. The study proved that integration of various spatial data could greatlysupport flood damage assessment.


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