The Botanical Garden of Lyon in “Le Parc De La Tête D’or”

The Botanical Garden of Lyon in “Le Parc De La Tête D’or”

It is in the middle of the XIX. Century that the idea of creating a big green area in cities is materialized. In the big apple for instance, it had been really difficult to make accept this idea: the city of New York is narrowed and creating a free place instead of renting expensive flats was seen like a loss of money. Nevertheless, even if people fancied that it would become a place for tramps, dealers and insects, the project had been realized and had a big success. It became fashion to get well dressed to go to walk to the park in family the Sunday, to make picnics etc. Nowadays, parks are the symbol of the relaxation, far from the noise of cars and the pollution. It is a place to rest, and escape of the stress and speed of the working daily life.


  • Nourry, L. M., Lyon, Le Parc De La Tête D’Or, AGEP Éditeur, p. 31, 1992.
  • http://www.coimbra
  • http://www.jardin-botanique-lyon. com/
  • Nourry, L.M., Lyon, Le Parc De La Tête D’Or, AGEP Éditeur, p. 75, 1992.
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