InvestigationofFuelPropertiesofCanolaOilBiodiesel, Bioethanol and Diesel Fuel Mixture

InvestigationofFuelPropertiesofCanolaOilBiodiesel, Bioethanol and Diesel Fuel Mixture

In this study, canola oil was converted into Canola Oil Methyl Esters (Canola Biodiesel) by transesterification method and biodiesel production was carried out. Biodiesel fuel obtained from canola oil was mixed with diesel fuel with 5% and 10% bioethanol addition and by inversion with volumetric proportions, and then fuels in the form of D100, B100, E5B5D90, E10B10D80, E10B5D85 and E5B10D85were obtained.Fuel properties of the obtained mixtures and diesel fuel, density, water content, kinematic viscosity,pH value, flash point, color specification, calorific value, clouding, pour and freezing point tests, CFPP (Cold Filter Plugging Point) test and copper rod corrosion tests were performed.According to the test results, it was concluded that biodiesel produced from canola oil could be used as 100% in diesel engines blending with bioethanol and without any modification on the engine; and it was an alternative fuel to diesel fuel.


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