Analysis of the Thermal Comfort Parameters in the Passenger Cabin of a Bus by Finite Element Method (ANSYS)

Analysis of the Thermal Comfort Parameters in the Passenger Cabin of a Bus by Finite Element Method (ANSYS)

Uniform temperature distribution in air conditioning systems which is used in the cooling of vehicles cabin with regards to providing thermal comfort to individuals is an important parameter. In this regard, appropriate computer simulations of these systems on the design pharse provide a significant convenience to the success of the design. In this paper, thermal comfort parameters depending onpressure and velocity distribution provided with air condition system of in the bus having 49 passengers including the driver were analysed by using finite elements method (ANSYS). In this analysis, determination of the time required was aimed to reach ?293 K value with uniformly temperature distribution from initial temperature value of ?310 K inside the bus. A finite element program is developed considering the thermal load of 49 passengers by using thermal mannequin model. Thus, the internal conditions in bus were stimulated to real conditions. As a result, it was determined that interior temperature of the bus cabin reached to ?293 K value with uniformly distribution in 15 minutes according to results of obtained in range of 5 minutes with the real condition scenario in ANSYS program.


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