The Relation Between Anaerobic Power and Rowing Ergometer Performance of Elite Rowers

The Relation Between Anaerobic Power and Rowing Ergometer Performance of Elite Rowers

Background: The aim of this study is to determine the relation between anaerobic power outputs and 2000 meter rowing ergometer scores. Method: Randomly selected nine elite youth male rowers participated in the current study. Modified Wingate test and 2000 meter rowing ergometer tests were applied to subjects using Concept II-D rowing ergometer. The results of the study was discussed by the anaerobic power outputs, the time for 500 m intervals at a 2000 m rowing ergometer performance and some anthropometric variables. Results: Data were presented as mean and SD for description porpuse. Variables were analysed and correlation coefficients were calculated by using Sperman’s Corelation. As the result; significant and high negative correlation between 2000 m ergometer performance and mean anaerobic power was found (r = - 0.837; p = 0.005). Conclusion: It has been understood that anaerobic energy system whereby the energy requirements at start and finish stages during 2000-mt performance and aerobic system are important complements of racing performances of rowing athletes.


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