Five Year Analysis of Rabies Suspected Animal Contact Cases Which is A Significant Public Health Problem in The Southeast Anatolia Region

Five Year Analysis of Rabies Suspected Animal Contact Cases Which is A Significant Public Health Problem in The Southeast Anatolia Region

Background: Rabies is among the infections which has the highest fatality rate among all other inflectional diseases. In our study we aimed to predict the precautions to be taken and review demographic characteristics of the cases that apply to Batman Regional State Hospital Emergency Service Rabies Unit.Method: In our study between January 2012 – January 2017, 1591 patients have been examined retrospectively who apply to Batman Regional State Hospital Emergency Rabies Unit. Ages, genders, residential locations (urban/rural centers), whether the animal is a waif or reverse, species, wound location, whether the physical injury is deep or surficial, type of contact and application period after contact, whether prophylaxis is applied to the bitten patient or not and the season of contact of cases have been taken under registration.Results: In our study average ages of our 1591 cases was 22,73 ± 17,20. 77,9% (n=1239) of cases were male and 22,1% (n=352) of cases were female and 70,3% (1119) of the cases have applied from the city centers, and the remaining 29,7% (472) of the cases have applied from the rural areas. 58% (n=922) of the animals were waif and the remaining 42% (n=669) of the animals had their owners and 62,7% (n=997) of these animals were dogs and the remaining 32,1% (511) of the animals were cats. 83,4% (n=1327) of the cases have applied to hospital immediately after the first day suspicious contact to emergency service. Totally to 40,7% (n=648) of these 1591 cases 3 doses, to 59,3% (n=943) 5 doses human diploid cell culture vaccine (HDCV) have been applied. Additionally, to 616 (38,7%) patients in addition to vaccine Human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) have been applied.Conclusion: In conclusion, rabies infection is a serious public health problem in developing countries like in our country. It is rather significant from both the perspective of public health and from economic perspective to take under control the rabies of pets, raise awareness of public and healthcare staff and control of waif animals.


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