Female Pseudohermaphroditism In A 68 Year Old Patient: A Case Report

Female Pseudohermaphroditism In A 68 Year Old Patient: A Case Report

Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate a man-like patient of 68-year-old who was referred to our department with history of hermaphroditism. Case: A 65 years old patient was referred to Dicle University Medical Faculty Department of Medical Biology for karyotype analysis. On systemic, gynecologic and ultrasound examination of the patient was detected 150 cm height, 55 kg weight, female phenotype, female type breasts and hair, approximately 3,5 cm clitoris, normal labium major, fused labium minor, 0.5x1.0 cm opening and 9 cm depth of vagina, 60x37x30 cm size of uterus and 20x15 mm each ovaries. The patient had menstruated regularly during reproductive period from menarche to menopause. The karyotype of patient was performed in peripheric blood sample. The chromosomal constitution of the patient whose Barr Body was positive, was found to be 46,XX. Molecular PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique for detection of SRY (specific region of Y chromosome) sequences is used to determine whether the SRY gene is present in the patient. The SRY gene in this case was negative. Conclusion: In spite offemale karyotype and phenotype the patient lived as a male until 65 years. This case has ignored due to social and economic conditions, therefore we think that the patient can be considered for publication


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