Comparison of the changes in the biochemical parameters of sportsmen who stopped doing sports and sportsmen who are already engaged in sports

Comparison of the changes in the biochemical parameters of sportsmen who stopped doing sports and sportsmen who are already engaged in sports

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the biochemical parameters of the sportsmen who have left the sport and are still active. Materials and Methods: The research group consisted of 30 males between the ages of 18-45 in Diyarbakır province. Fifteen of these thirty people whose blood samples were received were people who were engaged in long-distance running for more than 5 years and are still active sportsmen. The other sportsmen are those who did this sport for more than 10 years but stopped doing afterwards. The data obtained was analysed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 22.0 program on the computer. One-way anova test was used to examine the differences between the subjects who engaged in sports and who stopped doing the sport. Scheffe test was used to determine the difference group. The significance level was determined as p <0.05.Findings: There was no significant difference in TROPONIN I value in the biochemical parameters of those who stopped running long-distance and those who are still active long-distance runners, while there were statistically significant differences in ALT, AST, LD and CK MB values. This significant difference is thought to be caused by skeletal muscle damage caused by the severity of the training.Conclusion: In the studies carried out in the literature, it can be seen that the different parameters are discussed in the blood parameters of the sportsmen, and the tests that are important for the heart health and livers of the sportsmen, as in our research, will be useful to obtain information about the health of sportsmen.

Alt, Ast Ld, Ck Mb,


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