The most basic goal expected from healthcare services is expressed as enhancing the health status of the society. On the other hand, in addition to this main purpose, providing financial caution against the expenses of illness or health is seen as another remarkable goal. In order to achieve these goals, the health system uses limited economic resources. How effectively and efficiently these resources are used is also important for the health system. In this study, the Turkish Health System is tried to be examined in terms of OECD Health Care Utilization indicators through trend analysis. The indicators used in the study were primarily selected from those that did not have any problems with the data. As can be seen in the study, it is seen that OECD Health Care Utilization indicators are affected by factors such as the intensive immigration pressure of the health system and the “Health Transformation Program”. However, the biggest limitation encountered in the study is that the data for some indicators are incomplete and erroneous over the years. There are also methodological differences for some indicators. This situation prevents making a long-term evaluation. On the other hand, the impact of the Corona Virus on health care utilization indicators could not be analyzed due to the fact that data on many indicators were available until 2018.


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