Lex sportiva: Globosi of sports law

Lex sportiva: Globosi of sports law

Sports law, which may be admissible as a rather young law discipline, is still going through the long processes of industrialization, commercialization and with the vast importance, juridification. These unfinished processes caused a whole new concept, which hasn’t been properly defined and explicated yet. This new concept, which is called ‘lex sportiva’, can be interpreted as a chain of exceptional sporting rules, has some distinguishing qualities that makes it sole and unique. But its most noticable characteristic is it being supra-national rather than international, which supports and bases its claim to be a global law system. Lex sportiva, again claimed to be completely independent and sui generis thus rejects national law systems and institutions and their position as binding legal authorities. As a natural outcome of this comprehension, the newly-born conception lex sportiva is under some basic and fundamental criticism. Only when the juridification process of sports law ends, the actual content and boundaries of lex sportiva shall be close to being completed and undisputed.
